ONE NIGHT ONLY - Saturday 16th July at 7:30pm
Enjoy a winter evening in a cosy Parisian bar, as Bijou and her wonderful pianist spin a musical tale!
You’re transported to a café-bar in Paris 1933. A wine, a chat; the music plays… there’s a new face in the crowd. A ravaged figure in faded finery and fake pearls, enters and the evening takes an unexpected turn. ‘Bijou’, former Queen of the Demi-Monde, unleashes a cascade of intimate, colourful memories, taking us backwards in time to the shadows of her youth.
Bijou survives a hard world by constantly reinventing herself. A young ingénue on the stage of the Paris Varietees, a high-class Courtesan, the hard-bitten Madame of a highly imaginative house of joy, a vulnerable child at the mercy of the adults around her, Bijou emerges triumphant after taking us on a rollicking journey.
This sumptuous, funny, poignant cabaret peeps into the private, sensual world of a riveting Parisienne d’un certain age. Music of Satie, Weill, Hollander, Bruant and others, accompanies her stories and songs. Chrissie Shaw, award-winning theatre veteran, is joined by leading accompanist Alan Hicks as the long-suffering bar pianist.

There are four tables each with four seats between the stage and fixed seating to provide a cafe style atmosphere.
The show runs for 90 minutes with a 15 minute interval