So what do you get for joining Cooma Little Theatre?
Membership to CLT, which means you have the ability to join any of our productions. This gives you the opportunity to perform on stage / join in back stage or join CLTs Technical Team. Membership includes and covers all pesky volunteer insurances.
Instant membership and exclusive access to the CLT Film Appreciation Society. This additional membership guarantees you FREE ADMISSION to 4 film events per year. These are not current movies at the cinema but classics and cult movies that have not been on the big screen for many years.
Your choice of one FREE TICKET to a CLT Production per year.
Member prices for drinks at the bar.
The chance to come along to any of our Members only Club Nights and upcoming Play Readings.
So you get to see one free CLT show a year, 4 classic/cult movies per year and cheap prices at the bar... all for only $35 a year Adult or $25 a year Concession (concession card required).
Best of all you get to join in with a great group of people who are committed to producing the finest amateur theatre productions in the Snowy Mountains region.