Past Productions
This page presents a digital archive of the many productions by the Cooma Little Theatre from the first show in 1956 until today. It currently represents all the posters, playbills and programs which are available in the CLT archives. As many are still being located, ultimately you will be able to access the complete set. It is therefore a work in progress and over the next months this page will be added to.
We would love for you - the community of Cooma Little Theatre - to contribute any posters or programs to the existing collection that are missing. Please contact the CLT via email.
A special thanks to all those who have assisted in the development of this project with special recognition to Joyce Brindle, Caroline Fox, Scott Goudie, Sue McPhie and Pamela Mertens.
The development of this digital archive was undertaken by Nicola Burge as part of her community engagement project as a history student in the Department of Arts and Social Sciences at The University of Sydney.
Please enjoy this visual walk down memory lane...