Auditions - Act Three, Scene Five
This Thursday 20 April – 6:30pm at the theatre
Director, Nell Pernitsch will be holding auditions for “Act Three, Scene Five”(written by Terry Ortwein) – For males and females aged between 13 and 19.
Nell is looking for cast AND crew for this youth production, which will be on stage 21 July to 5 August.
‘Five students are rehearsing Act 3, Scene 5 from ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Things are not going well; they’ve been at work now for weeks but are not even close to performance level. Inexperience, egos and jealousies are becoming more important than the show.’
Come along if you’re interested – you don’t need to prepare anything beforehand.
If you have any questions, contact Nell 0410 475 910 or just turn up on Thursday.